Contact us

Our vicar, Revd. Danny Payne, can be contacted for general enquiries and pastoral matters, as well as for baptisms, weddings and funerals, at and 0747 500 5055.


To report a safeguarding concern, please contact Helen Greenwood on 07907 779814 or Steph Haynes (Bishop's Safeguarding Adviser) on 07342 993 844 or
If you suspect that a young person or a vulnerable adult is in immediate danger of harm, please call West Midlands Police: 999 (112 from a mobile).

For enquiries about booking the St John's Church Centre, please contact the Church Centre Administrator:

If your query is about a Thomas Bromwich Charity application, forms are available from or by telephoning/messaging Susie on 07746 387741.   

For parish history and archive enquiries, please contact our Church Archivist, Rita Cotterell:

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